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2018 Vol.15 No.2
Published 01 February 2018

159 SU Jingqin,MA Huanhuan,ZHANG Shuai
All Roads Lead to Rome or Be Strange Bedfellows?——Perspectives and Paths of Chinese Indigenous Management Research
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 159- [Abstract] ( 163 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1879KB] ( 570 )
168 SUN Xinbo
China Management Research and Enterprise Practice in Transforming Period——Reviews and Outlooks from the 8th Forum of “China? Practice? Management”
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 168- [Abstract] ( 121 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1124KB] ( 501 )
174 WANG Tao,LU Yuxin,JIN Luoxin
The Effect of Structural Organicity on Reverse Internationalization Performance: A Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 174- [Abstract] ( 206 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1308KB] ( 582 )
183 FENG Hailong,QIU Yang,LIU Junying
A Study on Behavior Change Based on the Internet + and Time Competition
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 183- [Abstract] ( 151 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2186KB] ( 725 )
192 XUE Min,DU Yifei
Research on Key Role Transformation of Enterprise and Social Network Tie Reconstruction
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 192- [Abstract] ( 157 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1607KB] ( 522 )
201 TANG Chunyong,MA Maohua,ZHAO Yixuan
The Effect of Inclusive Leadership on Employee Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Goal Acceptance
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 201- [Abstract] ( 257 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1167KB] ( 726 )
209 WANG Kai,HAN Yi,YU Hanyan
The Effect of Supervisors’ Response to Employee Voice: The Moderating Effect of Sense of Power
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 209- [Abstract] ( 232 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1134KB] ( 618 )
217 YAN Ruosen,HUA Xiaoli,QIAN Jingjing
The Impact of Interlocking Directorate Network on Innovation Investment with the Moderation of Organization Slack and Nature of Property Right
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 217- [Abstract] ( 229 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2009KB] ( 561 )
230 ZHANG Yuming,LI Rong,WANG Xin
The Influence of Internet Environment and Entrepreneur Social Capital on Technological Innovation
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 230- [Abstract] ( 218 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1147KB] ( 515 )
237 LI Wenqian,JIA Xingping,LIAO Yonghai,LIU Yi
An Empirical Research of the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Firm’s Technological Innovation Performance with the Integration of Multiple Perspectives
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 237- [Abstract] ( 262 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1338KB] ( 804 )
246 XU Jianzhong,GUAN Jun,LIN Yan
The Influencing Factors of the Relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance and Corporate Financial Performance: Based on a Meta-Analysis Concerned with Measuring and Situational Factors
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 246- [Abstract] ( 271 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1610KB] ( 608 )
255 LI Qian,XIONG Jie,HUANG Han
An Empirical Research of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Financial Performance
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 255- [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1007KB] ( 639 )
262 ZHU Liye,YUAN DenghuaHAO Jia
Research on the Effect of Customer Engagement in Brand Co-Creation on Brand Commitment in Virtual Brand Community——The Mediating Effects of Brand Experience
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 262- [Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1341KB] ( 546 )
272 ZHANG Qin,GONG Yanping,HUANG Kai
The Moderating Effect of Time Interval between New Product Preannouncement and Its Launching on Brand Extension
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 272- [Abstract] ( 202 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1582KB] ( 529 )
282 ZHAO Baochun,WANG Jing
Individual Susceptibility to Social Rewards and Punishments, Response Sensitivity of Social Rewards-Punishments System and Consumer Unethical Behavior Intention
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 282- [Abstract] ( 135 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1528KB] ( 560 )
293 WANG Wenjie,SUN Zhongmiao,XU Qi
Dynamic Pricing for Crowdsourcing Logistics Services with Socialized Providers
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 293- [Abstract] ( 295 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1810KB] ( 669 )
301 MA Jianhua,AI Xingzheng,PAN Yanchun,YANG Wen
Two-Part Tariff Contract for Competing Manufacturers with Common Retailer’s Extended Warranties
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 301- [Abstract] ( 243 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1121KB] ( 465 )
309 ZHU Li,DING Jialan,MA Zheng
Collaborative Optimization of Heterogeneous Transportation Problems under Emergency
2018 Vol. 15 (2): 309- [Abstract] ( 237 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1480KB] ( 520 )





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