
护理学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (17): 51-56.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2023.17.051

• 调查研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


苏闪闪1, 董又鸣2, 郑蔚3, 王丹丹3, 刘梦丽3, 刘贺3, 瞿小凤3, 张苇3   

  1. 1.郑州工业应用技术学院 医学院,河南 郑州 450064;
    2.广州中医药大学 第二临床医学院,广东 广州 510000;
    3.郑州大学第二附属医院 护理部,河南 郑州 450014
  • 收稿日期:2022-12-16 出版日期:2023-09-10 发布日期:2023-10-11
  • 通讯作者: 郑蔚(1962-),女,河南郑州人,硕士,教授。E-mail:zw112689zy@sina.com
  • 作者简介:苏闪闪(1996-),女,河南永城人,硕士,护师。
  • 基金资助:

Development and psychometric test of Social Isolation Assessment Questionnaire for cancer patients

SU Shan-shan1, DONG You-ming2, ZHENG Wei3, WANG Dan-dan3, LIU Meng-li3, LIU He3, QU Xiao-feng3, ZHANG Wei3   

  1. 1. Medical School, Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology, Zhengzhou 450064, China;
    2. The Second Clinical Medical School, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510000, China;
    3. Dept. of Nursing Administration, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450014, China
  • Received:2022-12-16 Online:2023-09-10 Published:2023-10-11

摘要: 目的 编制癌症患者社会疏离测评问卷,并检验其信度、效度。方法 基于癌症患者社会疏离概念框架,通过文献回顾、半结构访谈、专家函询及预调查形成问卷施测稿;对434例癌症患者进行问卷调查,检验问卷的信效度。结果 癌症患者社会疏离测评问卷包括自我隔离、孤独感、疏远感和无意义感4个维度,共17个条目,累计方差贡献率63.596%。问卷内容效度指数为0.923,Cronbach α系数为0.902,折半信度为0.840,重测信度为0.977,相容效度分别为0.847、-0.648,验证性因子分析结果显示该问卷结构效度良好。结论 癌症患者社会疏离测评问卷信效度良好,可用于评估癌症患者社会疏离水平。

关键词: 社会疏离, 癌症, 问卷, 信度, 效度

Abstract: Objective To develop a social isolation assessment questionnaire for cancer patients and text its reliability and validity. Methods This study was completed based on the conceptual framework of social isolation for cancer patients. The draft of the questionnaire was formed after literature review, semi-structured interview, expert consultation and the pre-investigation. A total of 434 cancer patients were surveyed to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Results The social isolation assessment questionnaire for cancer patients consisted of 4 dimensions of self-isolation, loneliness, alienation and meaninglessness and 17 items, and the accumulated variance contribution rate was 63.596%. Content validity index of the questionnaire was 0.923; Cronbach α coefficient 0.902; split-half reliability 0.840, test-retest reliability 0.977, compatibility validity 0.847 and -0.648. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire had good construct validity. Conclusion The social isolation assessment questionnaire for cancer patients has good reliability and validity, which can be used to assess the social isolation level of cancer patients.

Key words: social isolation, cancer, questionnaire, reliability, validity


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