Team Identification,Team Performance and Team coordination: A Multilevel Dual-Mediation Model
CHEN Wansi,ZHOU Qingyu,YANG Mengxi,ZHANG Yucheng,ZHONG Lin
1. East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China; 2. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China;3. Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin,China
Abstract:Based on the team identification theory, the Multilevel Structural Equation Model (MSEM) was raised, through a questionnaire survey of 720 knowledge workers in 63 knowledge teams, to explore the impact of team identification on knowledge team performance. The results indicated that team identification of the members in a knowledge team had effects on team performance through team coordination (shared mental model and team reflexivity) and had a positive impact on the shared mental model and team reflexivity. However, it was the team reflexivity rather than the shared mental model that mediated the process of team identification affecting the knowledge team performance. The findings provide theoretical support for the individual-team coherence process and team coordination practices within the organization.
陈万思,周卿钰,杨朦晰,张昱城,钟琳. 基于跨层双中介模型的知识服务团队认同对团队绩效的影响过程研究[J]. 管理学报, 2019, 16(8): 1153-.
CHEN Wansi,ZHOU Qingyu,YANG Mengxi,ZHANG Yucheng,ZHONG Lin. Team Identification,Team Performance and Team coordination: A Multilevel Dual-Mediation Model. Chinese Journal of Management, 2019, 16(8): 1153-.