摘要 以瑞典国家顾客满意度调查为基础 ,研究了顾客满意度与利润之间的关联性和关联程度 ,探讨了感知质量、市场预期和价格对于顾客满意度的影响、顾客满意度对于利润的影响 ,以及顾客满意度与市场份额之间的关系。对上述影响变量之间的关系提出了 5个假设 ,利用瑞典国家顾客满意度指数 (SCSB) ,建立假设检验模型 ,对假设进行验证 ,得出相应结论。
关键词 :
顾客满意度 ,
利润率 ,
感知质量 ,
预期 ,
Abstract :Based on the survey of swedish customer satisfaction barometer(SCSB), the link and strength of the link between customer satisfaction and economic returns were investigated How the perceived quality, expectation, and price should affect customer satisfaction and why customer satisfaction, in turn, should affect profitability were discussed. Why increasing customer satisfaction actually might lead to lower customer satisfacton was demonstrate. this result as a set of hypotheses was tested using SCSB.
Key words :
customer satisfaction
perceived quality
market share
收稿日期: 2004-12-06
刘金兰(1964~)女,汉族,天津人。天津大学(天津市 300072)管理学院副院长、教授、博士研究生导师。研究方向为服务管理与顾客满意度。
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http://manu68.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_glxb/CN/ 或 http://manu68.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_glxb/CN/Y2005/V2/I1/115
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