Abstract:Based on open innovation theory, the study recognizes the dynamic growth trends and characteristics of organizational ambidexterity capability (OAC) under the influence of external resources, and examines the influence of boundary-spanning search and absorptive capacity on the growth process. The results show that: the OAC has three different dynamic growth trajectories with the impact of external innovation resources, the growth process of exploratory capability indicates Growth mode and U-shaped mode, but the exploitative capability has two potential subclasses as Stable mode and Growth mode,and the initial level and growth rate of enterprise exploitative capability are superior than exploratory capability. The search breadth has equally positive impact on enterprises exploratory and exploitative capability, but the search depth makes sense only for exploitative capability. The absorptive capability has a significant positive impact on technical capacity growth, so do its interaction terms with search breadth and depth, which reflects its function to promote capabilities growth and relieves the excessive search behavior.
肖丁丁,朱桂龙. 双元性视角下的企业技术能力动态成长过程研究[J]. J4, 2016, 13(11): 1656-.
XIAO Dingding,ZHU Guilong. The Dynamic Growth Process of Enterprises Technological Capability: An Exploratory Study Based on the Ambidexterity Perspective. J4, 2016, 13(11): 1656-.