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J4  2015, Vol. 12 Issue (1): 20-    DOI:
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基于一个纵向案例的后发企业“价值能力” 双向循环与顾客锁定
Latecomers’ “ValueCompetence” Dual Circle and Customer LockIn: A Longitudinal Case Study
HE Jing,DU Yifei
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China

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摘要 以事件路径为线索,抽取了一个典型企业40年发展历史的生产质量与市场营销的1 299个事件,应用扎根理论工具把事件划分为4类和3个阶段,描出事件演进的趋势点图。此四类事件(内部实现、质量交付、顾客反馈和需求输入)构成后发企业价值循环的基本过程。研究表明,后发企业的价值循环中伴随能力补缺的反向过程,它们共同形成“价值能力”的双向循环结构;开放时期技术引进与顾客需求形成的替代渠道,它对“价值能力”双向循环同时兼具推动和阻碍作用;在市场爆发期双向循环过程被阻断,进入顾客锁定困境。
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关键词 后发企业能力补缺“价值能力”双向循环顾客锁定过程    
Abstract:In this study, we analyzes the process of latecomers value delivery and competence deficiency improvement, to seek processbased explanations on why latecomers fall into the customer lockin. Taking a clue of event path, we select a typical Chinese stateowned enterprise and extract 1,299 events in terms of manufacturing, quality and marketing from its 40year history. Following the procedures of the grounded theory approach, we divide them into four categories and three phases, and spot an eventtrend graph. The event categories (internal implementation, quality delivery, customer feedback and demand input) constitute basic processes of latecomers’ value circle. Our findings suggest that: 1) latecomers’ value circle, accompanying with a reverse competencedeficiency improvement, shapes a “valuecompetence” dual circle; 2) in open period, technology introduction and customer need build substitutive pipelines, which take both positive and negative effect on the dual circle; and 3) in market blowout period, the circle is prone to be broken by tight customer ties, and latecomers might be trapped by customer lockin dilemma. Finally, we conclude the study with three theoretical findings on processbased absorption capacity, dual resource dependence, and coevolutionary lockin, which provide implications for future research.
Key wordslatecomers    overcome competence deficiencies    “valuecompetence” dual circle    customer lockin    processes   
收稿日期: 2013-02-28     
通讯作者: 何婧(1981~),女,陕西洋县人。电子科技大学(成都市610054)经济与管理学院博士研究生、电子科技大学学报编辑部编辑。研究方向为企业战略管理、应急管理。     E-mail: jhe@uestc.edu.cn
何婧,杜义飞. 基于一个纵向案例的后发企业“价值能力” 双向循环与顾客锁定[J]. J4, 2015, 12(1): 20-. HE Jing,DU Yifei. Latecomers’ “ValueCompetence” Dual Circle and Customer LockIn: A Longitudinal Case Study . J4, 2015, 12(1): 20-.
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