
Journal of Nursing ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (7): 53-58.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2023.07.053

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Best evidence summary for prevention and management of nurses' occupational exposure

CHEN Jia-yin, GUO Jun, LIU Ning   

  1. Department of Nursing, Zhuhai Campus, Zunyi Medical University, Zhuhai 519040, China
  • Received:2022-11-08 Published:2023-05-12

Abstract: Objective To retrieve and integrate the best evidence for the prevention and management of occupational exposure of nurses at home and abroad, and provide reference for the protection and management of occupational exposure of clinical nurses. Methods The PIPOST tool was used to identify evidence-based questions, and all evidence on occupational exposure prevention and management of nurses was systematically retrieved according to the "6S" evidence model from the inception to June 15, 2022, including guidelines, expert consensus, clinical decision-making, systematic reviews, reviews and cross-sectional studies. Three investigators independently evaluated the included literature, and extracted eligible literature. Results A total of 16 articles were finally included, and 24 pieces of best evidence were generated from 6 dimensions of risk management, needle stick injury protection, respiratory tract exposure protection, antitumor drug protection, pregnancy protection, and novel coronavirus pneumonia protection. Conclusion This study summarizes the best evidence for the prevention and management of occupational exposure in nurses, aiming to strengthen the supervision and management of occupational exposure and reduce the incidence of occupational exposure in nurses.

Key words: nurse, occupational exposure, prevention, management, evidence-based nursing

CLC Number: 

  • R192.6
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