The Fundamental problems of “Facing the Chinese Practice” include that what China is, how to understand it, how to face it, whether the western management theory can face China’s practice and whether“Management theory with Chinese characteristics” exists? In response to these problems, China’s management academics need to advance “clip style”, “single perspective” rethinks to “rational” “multiperspective” “systematic” rethink. These systematic rethink can be called “metamanagement research.” Metamanagement research can be divided into three categories, which are ontology of management, epistemology issues of management and methodology of management. Although the metamanagement is not aimed at giving give direct answers to these problems, but the metamanagement keeps close to the source nature of the problem through a more indepth study of these issues.
吕力. “直面中国管理实践”的根本性问题与 作为“系统反思”的元管理研究[J]. J4, 2012, 9(4): 506-.
LV Li. The Fundamental Problems of Facing the Chinese Practice and the MetaManagement Theory as Systematic Rethink. J4, 2012, 9(4): 506-.