Abstract:This study justifies the proposed hypothesis by the data collected from 107 team leaders and 493 employees by using a paired research approach in questionnaire survey, and investigates the influence of Relative Leader-Member Exchange relationship on employee voice including promotive voice and prohibitive voice, exploring the moderating effects of generational in this influence. The results show that RLMX has the significantly positive effects on promotive voice and prohibitive voice, and generational differences play a moderating role during the effects. The relationship between RLMX and promotive voice is stronger for old generation than new generation, but the relationship between RLMX and prohibitive voice is stronger for new generation than old generation.
潘亮,杨东涛. 代际视角下相对的领导-成员交换关系对员工建言行为的影响研究[J]. 管理学报, 2020, 17(4): 518-.
PAN Liang,YANG Dongtao. The Influence of Relative Lead-Member Exchange on Employee Voice:The Moderating Role of Generational Differences. Chinese Journal of Management, 2020, 17(4): 518-.