Abstract:The two-factor theory rejects the complex and variable cases with the inevitable hypothesis, the factor decomposition separates the comprehensive effect and the factor classification denies the function transformation. Furthermore, the mechanism difference eliminates the dynamic evolution and the exclusion choice replaces the preferential choice. The seemingly rational and objective research method draws precise but not objective conclusions because of the lack of systematic and in-depth perspective. As the basic theory is deduced from the empirical methods, the limitation of the two-factor theory which is not from Hertzberg research perspective but also its choice research method is representative. The empirical research is generally biased to advocating scientificity, pursuing certainty, emphasizing theoretical verification, and is criticized for the non-rigority of conclusions, the disconnection between theory and practice, and the difficulty in generating innovative theories. The inherent limitations of positivism itself causes defects in the two-factor theory.
王肖婧,曹蓉,刘文瑞. 评赫茨伯格双因素理论——兼论实证研究在管理研究中的局限[J]. 管理学报, 2018, 15(11): 1611-.
WANG Xiaojing,CAO Rong,LIU Wenrui. A Review of the Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory——Discuss the Limitation of the Empirical Study in Management Research. Chinese Journal of Management, 2018, 15(11): 1611-.