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J4  2016, Vol. 13 Issue (9): 1305-    DOI:
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Chinese Management Research: Universality and Situation Innovation are Needed: Inspired by Internationalization and Theoretical Innovation of Chinese Management Research by Cai Yulin
ZHOU Jianbo
Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou, China

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摘要 近30年来,中国的管理实践匹配了中国经济跨越式发展,取得令世界瞩目的伟大成绩,但中国的管理研究却滞后于管理实践,理论与实践脱节,理论失灵现象普遍存在。即在学术研究方面完成了同国际上英语语系主导的形式规范的接轨,但从内容创新和实践解构层面来看,还处在学习、模仿和形式应用的层面;在直面实践的研究和基于中国文化特殊情境的研究方面,总体还处于表象、借用和顿悟的层面。就逻辑层次和结构机理的知识论而言,基于中国管理的研究,在普适层与实践层之间存在着情境层,以及基于特定条件科学和社会亚文化层面的理论知识,即情境理论知识是高度抽象的普适性知识与具体实践的实务行为之间的转换纽带和连接桥梁。中国管理研究历经近30年的学习、模仿与带着问题思考酝酿,事实上已进入了创新前夜,但还需要在进一步不断努力积累下,真正进入解决实践问题和理论创新的研究氛围。
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关键词 中国文化特殊性 管理研究 理论创新 普适性 情境性    
Abstract:Judged from facts and literature, Chinese management research has matched the uprising development of its economy, and gains great achievements that have received the world’s attention. However, Chinese management research is still lagging behind its practice, theory and practice are separated, and theory failure is a common phenomenon. Related researches about this problem lead to integration with formal specification which is dominated by English language. But from the views of content innovation and practice deconstruction, academic research is still at the level of study, imitation and formal application, and those researches directly facing practice and special situation based on Chinese culture are mainly standing at the level of surface, use and insight. As far as the knowledge of logic and structure, when management in China is researched, there exists a situation level between universality and practice, and based on the knowledge of specific science and sub-culture, knowledge of situation bridges the universality with highly abstract and specific practice. Thus, management research in China needs to break international imitation and local dubiousness, achieve the innovation inclusiveness and knowledge as action, and really resolve practical problems and make theoretic innovation in the academic atmosphere with continuous efforts.
Key wordsparticularity of Chinese culture    management research    theoretical innovation    universality    situation   
收稿日期: 2016-08-20     
作者简介: 周建波(1962~),男,辽宁营口人。广东金融学院(广州市 510521)工商管理研究所教授。研究方向为中国文化与情境管理。
周建波. 中国管理研究需要普适性与情境性创新——缘起蔡玉麟先生《也谈中国管理研究国际化和管理理论创新》[J]. J4, 2016, 13(9): 1305-. ZHOU Jianbo. Chinese Management Research: Universality and Situation Innovation are Needed: Inspired by Internationalization and Theoretical Innovation of Chinese Management Research by Cai Yulin. J4, 2016, 13(9): 1305-.
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