许振亮, 郭晓川
1. 内蒙古大学经济管理学院; 2. 大连理工大学21世纪发展研究中心
The Knowledge Mapping Clairvoyance of Research Frontier of International Technological Innovation
XU Zhen-Liang, GUO Xiao-Chuan
1.Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China; 2.Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China
摘要 运用最新可视化技术与科学计量学方法,绘制当代国际技术创新研究前沿知识图谱,得知其存在9个知识群,形成“核心知识群次级知识群边缘知识群”,即“核心衍生边缘”3个层次的格局。通过对代表性被引文献的内容及施引文献关键词的词频与内容的分析,计量出各知识群的研究主题所在。
关键词 :
技术创新 ,
科学计量学 ,
文献共被引 ,
关键词 ,
Abstract :Using the latest visualization technology and scientometric methods, the paper draws the knowledge mapping of research frontier of contemporary international technological innovation, and concludes nine knowledge clusters and the structure of ‘core knowledge clustersub knowledge cluster- margin knowledge cluster’, ie the pattern of three levels of core-developing-margin. Besides, the paper measures research topic of every knowledge cluster by the content analysis of representative cited document and the anatomy of descriptor of citing document.
Key words :
technological innovation
document co-cited
knowledge mapping
收稿日期: 2010-07-26
基金资助: 内蒙古大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目资助项目(Z20100114)
E-mail: xuzhenliang2004@yahoo.com.cn
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