Eugene W.Anderson, Claes Fornell, Roland T.Rust, 刘金兰, 余颖, 康键
Customer Satisfaction, Productivity and Profitability: Their Differences Between Goods and Services
Eugene W.Anderson, Claes Fornell, Roland T.Rust, LIU Jin-Lan, YU Ying, KANG Jian
Tianjin University; Tianjin; China
摘要 研究了实现顾客满意度和生产率之间均衡状态的条件 ,建立了顾客满意度和生产率关系理论模型及其假设 ,并利用瑞典顾客满意度指数 ( SCSB)数据库对模型做了实证性研究
关键词 :
顾客满意度 ,
生产率 ,
利润率 ,
Abstract :The tradeoffs between customer satisfaction and productivity were studied, the relationship model between customer satisfaction and productivity and its hypotheses developed. The research hypotheses were also verified by the use of the database provided by the Swedish Customer Satisfaction Barometer (SCSB).
Key words :
customer satisfaction
goods versus services
收稿日期: 2005-02-25
刘金兰(1964~)女,汉族,天津市人。天津大学(天津市 300072)管理学院副院长、教授、博士研究生导师。研究方向为服务管理与顾客满意度。
Eugene W.Anderson, Claes Fornell, Roland T.Rust, 刘金兰, 余颖, 康键. 顾客满意度、生产率和利润率在产品和服务间的差别[J]. J4, 2005, 2(2): 245-.
Eugene W.Anderson, Claes Fornell, Roland T.Rust, LIU Jin-Lan, YU Ying, KANG Jian. Customer Satisfaction, Productivity and Profitability: Their Differences Between Goods and Services. J4, 2005, 2(2): 245-.
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