Abstract:Through reviewing and analyzing the organizational literature on “culture as toolkit”, this study proposes a framework by considering resource using strategy (i.e., incorporation or differentiation) and organizational audience (i.e., internal or external) to distinguish among four research approaches to investigating culture as resources, and further explicates the situation, purpose, and strategy within each approach. Within this framework, this study identifies the gaps and weaknesses in prior research and offers suggestions for future research, such as revealing the network ties among cultural elements, exploring the interactions between internal and external culture resources, investigating the simultaneous utilization of cultural incorporation and differentiation, and strengthening the theoretical dialogue with other fields.
吴畏,葛建华. “文化工具箱”视角的组织研究路径与进展[J]. 管理学报, 2021, 18(5): 781-.
WU Wei,GE Jianhua. Research Approaches and Development of “Culture as Toolkit” in Organization Studies. Chinese Journal of Management, 2021, 18(5): 781-.