By reviewing relevant literature about value creation of corporate headquarters, the paper sums up six methods for corporate headquarters to create value, which are synergy management, combined effect management, restructuring effect management, transfer of core competencies, visiondriven approach and capacityparenting method. Combined with the actual situation in transitional period of China, we sum up five corporate headquarter patterns, which are corporate headquarters formed by business diversification, formed by district diversification, established by management commission of numbers of startup companies, transited by government functional departments and formed by reorganization and merger respectively. Based on the characteristics of various corporate headquarters, the paper analyzes how corporate headquarters create value and discusses the uniqueness brought about by China's circumstances.
叶广宇, 陈静玲, 蓝海林. 企业总部价值创造方式与转型期中国企业总部类型[J]. J4, 2010, 7(3): 331-.
YE Guang-Yu, CHEN Jing-Ling, LAN Hai-Lin. Value Creation Methods and the Corporate Headquarter Patterns in Transitional Period of China. J4, 2010, 7(3): 331-.