
Journal of Nursing ›› 2021, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (19): 13-16.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2021.19.013

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Self-acceptance of Convalescent Stroke Patients and Its Influence Factors

TONG Yun-jie1, LIU Yan-mei2, LV Mei-fang3, LU Dan-dan1, TAN Shi-yun1   

  1. 1. School of Nursing, Shanxi University of Traditional Medicine,Xianyang 712000, China;
    2. First Dept. of Acupuncture, Shanxi Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Xi'an 710000, China;
    3. Dept. of Rehabilitation, First People's Hospital of Qujing City, Qujing 655000, China
  • Received:2021-03-22 Online:2021-10-10 Published:2021-11-10

Abstract: Objective To survey the self-acceptance of convalescent stroke patients and analyze its influencing factors. Methods With convenience sampling method, 276 patients in the convalescence period of stroke admitted to the Department of Acupuncture and the Department of Encephalopathy of Shaanxi Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine from July 2020 to February 2021 were selected as the research subjects and they were surveyed by general information questionnaire, self-acceptance Questionnaire (SAQ), and Stroke Rehabilitation self-efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ), and multiple linear regression was used to analyze the factors influencing the self-acceptance of convalescing stroke patients. Results The self-acceptance score in convalescent stroke patients was 41.06±6.27. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that self-efficacy, payment method of medical expenses, percapita monthly income, knowledge of disease, and sex were the influence factors of self-acceptance (P<0.05),which explained 36.3% of the total variation of self-acceptance for convalescent stroke patients. Conclusion The self-acceptance of convalescent stroke patients in this group is in a low level. Therefore, more attention should be paid to self-paid convalescent stroke female patients, those with low per capita income, and poor knowledge of the disease, so as to provide high-quality medical service and improve the self-acceptance.

Key words: convalescent stroke patient, self-acceptance, self-efficacy, influence factor

CLC Number: 

  • R473.5
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