
护理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (21): 7-11.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2024.21.007

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牟晓玲1,2, 陈宇琦2, 刘海燕2, 李敏2, 董敏1, 黄佳佳1, 李璇1, 陈瑜2   

  1. 1.广州医科大学附属第一医院 胸外科,广东 广州 510180;
    2.南方医科大学 护理学院,广东 广州 510515
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-13 发布日期:2024-12-04
  • 通讯作者: 陈瑜(1977-),女,江西景德镇人,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,系副主任。E-mail:958977423@qq.com
  • 作者简介:牟晓玲(1984-),女,四川广元人,本科学历,硕士研究生在读,主管护师,病区护士长。
  • 基金资助:
    教育部产学合作协同育人项目(220605695305103); 广东省本科高校在线开放课程指导委员会研究课题(2022ZXKC085); 广东省高等学校教学管理学会2021年度课程思政建设项目(X-KCSZ2021081)

Postoperative depression and its influencing factors among lung transplant recipients

MOU Xiao-ling1,2, CHEN Yu-qi2, LIU Hai-yan2, LI Min2, DONG Min1, HUANG Jia-jia1, LI Xuan1, CHEN Yu2   

  1. 1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510180, China;
    2. School of Nursing, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
  • Received:2024-08-13 Published:2024-12-04

摘要: 目的 纵向追踪肺移植受者术后抑郁情绪水平的动态变化并分析其影响因素,为临床开展精准心理护理提供参考。方法 于2022年10月—2023年12月,便利抽取广州市某三级甲等医院肺移植受者,采用自编一般资料问卷、患者健康问卷、移植症状发生和症状困扰量表,于术后出院前1 d(T0)、术后3个月(T1)、术后6个月(T2)3个时间点开展调查。结果 共62例肺移植受者完成3个时间点调查,其抑郁情绪得分在T0、T1、T2时点的中位数分别为9.00(4.00,14.00)、5.00(1.75,10.00)和3.00(0.00,9.00),呈下降趋势(Z=38.174,P<0.001)。线性混合模型分析结果显示,肺移植受者年龄增长(β=0.012,P=0.043)、术后住院时间延长(β=0.006,P=0.025)、症状发生频率及严重程度越高(β=0.038,P<0.001)是其抑郁情绪的危险因素,轻度经济负担(β=-0.469,P=0.005)是其抑郁情绪的保护因素。结论 肺移植受者抑郁情绪术后随时间推移呈逐渐降低趋势。医护人员应重点关注高龄、经济条件差、伴随多种症状的肺移植受者,及时提供个性化精准心理护理,促进其身心全面康复。

关键词: 肺移植受者, 抑郁情绪, 影响因素, 纵向研究

Abstract: Objective To conduct a longitudinal study on dynamic change of postoperative depression of lung transplant recipients and analyze its influencing factors, and to provide reference for clinical precision psychological nursing. Methods Using convenience sampling, lung transplant recipients admitted to a tertiary grade-A hospital in Guangzhou from October 2022 to December 2023 were selected as research subjects. Longitudinal surveys were conducted using a Self-designed General Information Questionnaire, Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and Modified Transplant Symptom Occurrence and Symptom Distress Scale (MTSOSD) on the day before discharge (T0), 3 months after operation (T1) and 6 months after operation (T2). Results A total of 62 patients completed all surveys at the three time points. The median score of depression at T0, T1 and T2 was 9.00 (4.00,14.00), 5.00(1.75,10.00) and 3.00 (0.00,9.00), respectively, showing a decreasing trend (Z=38.174, P<0.001).Linear mixed model analysis showed that increased age (β=0.012, P=0.043), prolonged postoperative hospital stay (β=0.006, P=0.025), and higher frequency and severity of symptoms (β=0.038, P<0.001) were risk factors for depression, and mild economic burden (β=-0.469, P=0.005) was a protective factor for depression. Conclusion Postoperative depression of lung transplant recipients shows a gradual decrease over time. Medical staff should focus on elderly recipients, recipients with low family income, and those accompanied by multiple symptoms. Timely personalized and precise psychological care are conducive to promoting their physical and mental rehabilitation.

Key words: lung transplant recipient, depression, influencing factor, longitudinal study


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