Employee volunteering is an important part of corporate social responsibility, which has received much attention from both academia and practice. Based on a review of existing foreign studies on employee volunteering, this article illustrated the definition and measures of employee volunteering, summarized the antecedents and consequences of employee volunteering at both individual and organizational levels. Finally, implications and hot topics for future employee volunteering research in China are discussed.
张麟, 莫申江, 陈宏辉. 国外员工志愿服务研究回顾及对中国本土研究的启示[J]. J4, 2015, 12(8): 1248-.
ZHANG Lin, MO Shenjiang, CHEN Honghui. Literature Review on Foreign Employee Volunteering Studies and Prospects of Future Research in China. J4, 2015, 12(8): 1248-.