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J4  2014, Vol. 11 Issue (10): 1514-    DOI:
物流与运作管理 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
Innovation Investment Decision Models in Supply Chains with Different Risk Preferences
LI Xingbei,QI Ershi
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

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摘要 在条件风险值度量准则下,建立了考虑不同风险偏好的供应链创新投资决策模型,并在此基础上分别分析了供应商单独投资和联合投资2种情况下供应链的创新投资水平。给出了联合投资时投资分担比例必须 满足的区间,确定了供应商主导和制造商主导下的最优投资分担比例。研究表明:制造商喜好风险可以增加市场中的产品数量,提高供应商创新投资水平;供应商可以通过提升技术创新能力,抵消制造商因为风险规 避带来的消极影响。当制造商分担供应商的部分创新投资时,供应商的创新投资水平和制造商的产量均得到了提高,并且供应商主导下确定的最优创新投资分担比例大于制造商主导下确定的最优创新投资分担比例。 最后用数值分析验证了模型的有效性。
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关键词 供应链条件风险值创新投资风险偏好    
Abstract:According to the conditional valueatrisk (CVaR), this study established innovation investment model in context of supply chain considering different risk preferences, and then analyzed innovation investment level under suppliers’ separate and joint investment strategies. Also, it gave the interval to which joint investment ratio must meet as well as the optimal joint investment ratio with two different situations: the ratio dominated by the manufacturer and dominated by the supplier. The results show that the manufacturer’s risk preference can help to increase the product quantity in the market and increase the supplier’s innovation investment level; as for the riskaversion manufacturer, the supplier can counteract the negative effects by improving technological innovation ability. When the manufacturer shares the responsibility of the supplier’s innovation investment, the supplier’s investment level as well as the manufacturer’s product quantity will be better, and it is found that the innovation investment share proportion dominated by the supplier is higher than that dominated by the manufacturer. Finally, a numerical analysis is used to verify the effectiveness of the model.
Key wordssupply chain    CVaR    innovation investment    risk preference   
收稿日期: 2013-11-06     
通讯作者: 齐二石(1953~),男,吉林长春人。天津大学(天津市300072)管理与经济学部教授,博士研究生导师。研究方向为工业工程理论、供应链管理、企业信息化。     E-mail: esqi@tju.edu.cn
李星北,齐二石. 考虑不同风险偏好的供应链企业创新投资决策模型[J]. J4, 2014, 11(10): 1514-. LI Xingbei,QI Ershi. Innovation Investment Decision Models in Supply Chains with Different Risk Preferences. J4, 2014, 11(10): 1514-.
http://manu68.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_glxb/CN/     或     http://manu68.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_glxb/CN/Y2014/V11/I10/1514
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