The mechanism of brand image influencing consumer behavior was explored. The theoretical framework of brand image was constructed against Chinese background, in which Chinese brand image was divided into 3 dimensions: brand performance, brand personality and corporate image. The structural mode of brand image affecting relationship among perceived quality, satisfaction and brand loyalty was constructed and was investigated online. The theoretical model and most of the hypotheses were supported by the results. It is concluded that (1) the brand performance, brand personality and corporate image had direct effects on the perceived quality; (2) the brand perform would influence the satisfaction directly and (3) the brand personality/corporate image could influence the customer satisfaction indirectly. The conclusion also shows that the brand performance and brand personality could influence the brand loyalty, and there was no correlation between the corporate image and brand loyalty.
GUAN Hui,DONG Da-Hai. A Consumer's Perspective-Based Empirical Study: Mechanism of Local Chinese Brand Image's Influencing the Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty[J]. J4, 2008, 5(4): 583-.