鲁若愚, 张红琪
Quickly Changed Market-Based Renewal Tactics for Products from Emerging Technology
LU Ruo-Yu, ZHANG Hong-Qi
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Chengdu; China
摘要 从把握快变市场的特征入手,通过分析技术、需求以及竞争等变化不断加快所带来的各种影响,探讨企业在新兴技术产品的更新决策中面临的一些新因素和新原则,并提出基于快变市场的企业产品更新的一些新策略。
关键词 :
快变市场 ,
新兴技术 ,
产品更新 ,
Abstract :Starting with the characteristics of quickly changed markets, the authors analyzed different factors rapidly changing technology, demand and competition and discussed some new factors and principles when firms would decide renewing their products from emerging technology. On the basis of quickly changed markets, this paper put also forward some tactics for emerging technology.
Key words :
quickly changed market
emerging technology
marketing tactics
收稿日期: 2005-03-23
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (70 2 72 0 42 )
鲁若愚(1959~),男,汉族,四川仁寿人。电子科技大学(成都市 610054)管理学院教授、博士、博士研究生导师。研究方向为技术创新管理与服务管理。
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