Abstract:Based on the pressure-creativity dual pathway model (PCDPM), this study examines how performance pressure affects team cognitive appraisal and consequently incremental/radical innovation, meanwhile the moderating role of team resilience is evaluated. The analysis based on the data collected from 990 employees from 140 R&D teams reveals that performance pressure has a significant indirect effect on the radical innovation through challenge appraisal, whereas team threat appraisal mediates the relationship between performance pressure and incremental innovation. Furthermore, the team resilience moderates the team’s dual cognitive appraisal pathways of performance pressure.
李其容,李春萱,杨艳宇,常乃方. 基于被调节中介模型的团队绩效压力与双元创新的影响研究[J]. 管理学报, 2022, 19(12): 1811-.
LI Cirong,LI Chunxuan,YANG Yanyu,CHANG Naifang. The Influence of Team Performance Pressure on Incremental and Radical Innovation:A Moderated Mediation Model. Chinese Journal of Management, 2022, 19(12): 1811-.