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J4  2015, Vol. 12 Issue (11): 1579-    DOI:
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Research on the Path of Reverse Innovation of Latecomer Enterprises: Based on Grounded Theory Analysis of Longitudinal Cases
XU Nana,XU Yusen
Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning, Dalian, China

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摘要 以海尔集团和深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司作为典型案例,运用程序化扎根理论方法对案例企业开展纵向研究,通过开放性译码、主轴译码和选择性译码3个步骤,分析案例企业逆向创新的具体举措,尝试构建逆向创新的路径模型。研究发现,逆向创新存在技术创新、设计创新、市场创新、组织创新4种路径,且4种路径在企业不同阶段逆向创新中的重要程度不同,逆向创新实现需要企业发挥不同路径的协同创新效应;不同阶段的逆向创新路径对应于不同的创新策略类型;逆向创新中需要加强设计创新能力的构建。
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关键词 后发企业 逆向创新 创新路径 扎根理论    
Abstract:The study carries out a longitudinal study on Haier Group and MINDRAY as typical cases under Strauss Procedures of Grounded Theory and analyzes their specific innovative initiatives through three analysis steps, and then attempts to build the model of reverse innovative path. The result suggests that design innovation, technological innovation, market innovation, organizational innovation can be regarded as the path on reverse innovation, and their relative importance of those four kinds of paths is different in different stages of enterprises’ life cycle; the realization of reverse innovation requires the coordinated innovation of different paths; reverse innovation of different stages needs different innovation strategy;the latecomer enterprise needs to strengthen the design innovation. The study deepens the understanding on reverse innovation of latecomer enterprises of academia, enriches the theory of innovation management, and also provides a reference for the reverse innovation practices for Chinese enterprises.
Key words latecomer enterprises    reverse innovation    innovation path    grounded theory   
收稿日期: 2014-11-04     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金资助重点项目 (71033002);国家自然科学基金资助面上项目(71272095,70972057)
通讯作者: 徐雨森(1971~),男,辽宁营口人。大连理工大学(辽宁省大连市116024)管理与经济学部教授、博士研究生导师。研究方向为科技管理、技术经济及管理。     E-mail: 379247708@qq.com
徐娜娜,徐雨森. 基于纵向案例扎根分析的后发企业逆向创新实现路径研究[J]. J4, 2015, 12(11): 1579-. XU Nana,XU Yusen. Research on the Path of Reverse Innovation of Latecomer Enterprises: Based on Grounded Theory Analysis of Longitudinal Cases. J4, 2015, 12(11): 1579-.
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