
Journal of Nursing ›› 2019, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 68-71.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2019.01.068

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Mediating Effect of Emotional Labor Strategy on Regulatory Mode and Nurses' Job Satisfaction

LIU Naa, WU Dib, LIU Qina, CHENG Hana, DU Xiao-lia, ZHANG Yin-linga   

  1. a. Department of Nursing; b. Department of Psychology, Air Force Medical University, Xi' an 710032, China
  • Received:2018-07-27 Online:2019-01-10 Published:2020-07-16

Abstract: Objective To explore the mediating effect of emotional labor strategy on regulatory mode and nurses' job satisfaction. Methods The convenience sampling method was used in this study. The Regulatory Mode Scale (RMS), Emotional Labor Scale (ELS) and Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and a self-designed general information questionnaire were used to investigate 384 nurses from 3 tertiary grade A hospitals of Xi'an,then we established and tested the mediating model of emotional labor strategy between regulatory mode and nurses' job satisfaction. Results The total average score of nurses' job satisfaction was 3.37±0.81; that of dimension of exogenous job satisfaction was 3.47±0.79 and that of dimension of endogenous job satisfaction was 3.27±0.94. Nurses' job satisfaction was positively correlated with locomotion mode (r=0.305, P<0.01) and deep acting (r=0.275, P<0.01). Deep acting had a mediating effect on locomotion and nurses' job satisfaction, and the direct and indirect effects of deep acting on nurses' job satisfaction were 0.223 and 0.081 respectively. Conclusion Regulatory mode can directly predict nurses' job satisfaction, and there is a mediating effect of emotional labor strategy on the regulatory mode and the nurses' job satisfaction. We should pay more attention to nurses' job satisfaction, and improve their job satisfaction by training nurses' locomotion mode and stimulating them to use deep acting strategy and reducing the application of surface acting strategy.

Key words: nurse, job satisfaction, regulatory mode, emotional labor strategy

CLC Number: 

  • R471
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