
Journal of Nursing ›› 2021, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (16): 52-57.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2021.16.052

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Formulation of Bestevidence-based Dietary Management Program for Children with Glycogen Storage Disease TypeⅠ

YUAN Lin1, QIU Zheng-qing2a, LI Rong-rong2b, SUN Jing2a, LI Yang3   

  1. 1. Heze Medical College, Heze 274000, China;
    2a. Dept. of Pediatric; 2b. Dept. of Nutritional , Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing 100730, China;
    3. School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100144, China
  • Received:2021-04-08 Online:2021-08-25 Published:2021-09-10

Abstract: Objective To formulate dietary management program for children with glycogen storage disease typeⅠ(GSDⅠ). Methods The framework and the draft of the program was constructed on the basis of literature review and Delphi expert consultations. Results The final program consisted of 7 first-level, 19 second-level and 72 third-level indicators, including the treatment period and the home period. During the treatment period, the first-level items were establishing multidisciplinary team, improving dietary management evaluation, making individualized diet plan and strengthening dietary health education. During the home period, the three first-level items were improving the children’s and their parents’ dietary treatment compliance, paying attention to blood glucose monitoring and adjusting the diet timely. Conclusion Being scientific and reliable, the constructed dietary management program can be promoted in clinical practice.

Key words: glycogen storage disease typeⅠ, dietary management, clinical practice program, Delphi

CLC Number: 

  • R473.72
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