
护理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 46-50.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2024.07.046

• 循证护理 • 上一篇    下一篇


周毅峰a, 杨继平a, 胡正中a, 袁浩b   

  1. 湖南省人民医院(湖南师范大学附属第一医院) a.手术部; b.检验科,湖南 长沙 410005
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-16 出版日期:2024-04-10 发布日期:2024-05-08
  • 通讯作者: 杨继平(1990-),女,湖南娄底人,硕士,主管护师。E-mail:yjp0927@hunnu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:周毅峰(1981-),女,湖南益阳人,本科学历,硕士研究生在读,副主任护师。
  • 基金资助:

Evidence summary for target-oriented blood glucose monitoring in patients undergoing hepatocellular carcinoma resection

ZHOU Yi-feng a, YANG Ji-ping a, HU Zheng-zhong a, YUAN Hao b   

  1. a.Operating Room; b. Dept. of Clinical Laboratory, Hunan Provincial Hospital, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410005, China
  • Received:2023-11-16 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-05-08

摘要: 目的 检索并总结肝癌切除手术患者目标导向性血糖监测相关证据,为临床提供指导依据。方法 应用PICO程式结构化临床问题,检索中国指南网,美国指南网,英国国家临床医学研究所指南库,国际指南图书馆,英格兰学院间指南网,UpToDate,BMJ,Cochrane Library,PubMed,Web of Science,EMbase,CINAHL,中国生物医学数据库,中国知网,万方医学数据库。采用相关评价工具对纳入的文献进行质量评价。结果 共纳入文献15篇,包括指南6篇,专家共识3篇,原始研究6篇,总结出18条审查指标,包括多学科团队构建、术前评估及健康教育、监测方法、术前/术中/术后目标导向性血糖监测措施、异常血糖处理、术后交接及管理等内容。结论 本研究总结了肝癌切除手术患者目标导向性血糖监测的最佳证据,为规范临床血糖监测及控制,降低血糖异常事件及并发症发生率,加速术后康复提供循证依据。

关键词: 肝癌手术, 目标导向, 血糖监测, 围术期, 循证护理

Abstract: Objective To search and summarize the evidence for target-oriented blood glucose monitoring in patients undergoing hepatocellular carcinoma resection, and to provide guidance for clinical practice. Methods We applied PICO framework to structure clinical questions, and searched literature in databases of Chinese guidelines, American guidelines, UK National Institute of Clinical Medicine guidelines, International Guidelines Library, England inter-college guidelines, UpToDate, BMJ, Cochrane Library, PubMed, Web of Science, EMbase, CINAHL, China Biomedical Database, China National Knowledge Network, Wanfang Medical Database. Related evaluation tools were used to evaluate the quality of the included literature. Results A total of 15 pieces of literature were collected, including 6 guidelines, 3 expert consensus and 6 similar experimental studies. Eighteen review indicators were summarized, including team building, preoperative evaluation and health education, preoperative/intraoperative/postoperative target-oriented blood glucose monitoring measures, abnormal blood glucose management, postoperative handover and management, etc. Conclusion This study summarizes the best evidence for target-oriented blood glucose monitoring in patients undergoing hepatocellular carcinoma resection, providing evidence-based evidence for reducing the incidence of abnormal blood glucose events and complications and accelerating postoperative rehabilitation.

Key words: hepatocellular carcinoma resection, target-oriented, blood glucose monitoring, perioperative, evidence-based nursing


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