Abstract Taking the dynamic evolution of Hangzhou Yunqi Town as the research object, this paper adopts the longitudinal single case study method, and establishes the IPO research framework of “multi-actor-opportunity set development-symbiosis relationship (opportunity symbiosis and value symbiosis)”. The research shows that the IPO evolution path of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem manifests itself as “less multi-actor-discovery opportunity set development-opportunity loose symbiosis, value parasitism and partial symbiosis” at the gestation stage, “rich multi-actor-balanced discovery and creation opportunity set development-opportunity spillover symbiosis and value asymmetric reciprocal symbiosis” at the development stage, and “multiple multi-actor-creation opportunity set development-opportunity network symbiosis and value symmetric reciprocal symbiosis” at the maturity stage. Digital entrepreneurial enterprises, digital users, and the government, as the core subjects of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, can provide key drivers for the continuous evolution of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Received: 14 June 2019