黄玉楼, 周春兰, 刘宁, 李小贞, 刘敏利, 何银英, 孙宏春, 黄小娜, 龚秀群, 郑萍, 肖秀英
Construction of Step-up Nutrition Management Program for Elderly People with Mild Cognitive Impairment
HUANG Yu-lou, ZHOU Chun-lan, LIU Ning, LI Xiao-zhen, LIU Min-li, HE Yin-ying, SUN Hong-chun, HUANG Xiao-na, GONG Xiu-qun, ZHENG Ping, XIAO Xiu-ying
护理学报 . 2022, (21): 17 -22 .  DOI: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2022.21.017