
护理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11): 23-27.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2024.11.023

• 护理教育 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨帆a, 喻爱芳a, 何林炎a, 唐文帅a, 唐友娟a, 马香a, 李丽娟a, 于珺b, 潘闯a   

  1. 桂林医学院 a.护理学院; b.马克思主义学院,广西 桂林 541199
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-02 出版日期:2024-06-10 发布日期:2024-07-10
  • 通讯作者: 潘闯(1991-),男,安徽宿州人,硕士,讲师。E-mail:1442827301@qq.com
  • 作者简介:杨帆(1990-),女,甘肃天水人,回族,硕士,讲师。
  • 基金资助:
    2022年广西高校大学生思想政治教育理论与实践研究课题(2022SZ117); 2021年度桂林医学院教育教学研究与改革“课程思政”专项项目(JGZ202110)

Design and practice of ideological and political teaching mode of “Three Integration and Five Guidance” in acute and critical care nursing

YANG Fana, Yu Ai-fanga, HE Lin-yana, TANG Wen-shuaia, TANG You-juana, MA Xianga, LI Li-juana, YU Junb, PAN Chuanga   

  1. a. School of Nursing; b. School of Marxism, Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541199, China
  • Received:2023-11-02 Online:2024-06-10 Published:2024-07-10

摘要: 目的 探讨急危重症护理学思政教学方案设计及实践效果。方法 在护理本科三年级学生中开展急危重症护理学“三融五导”课程思政教学实践。采用“视频引导,案例向导,榜样教导,叙事感导,实践介导”五条路径开展贯穿于“理论-实训-社会实践”教学全过程的课程思政教学,将“教书传技与立德树人、线下授课与线上教学、传道授业与社会服务”相融合。以满意度调查评价教学改革效果。结果 学生对课程思政教学表现出较高的融入度和参与度,95%学生认为“三融五导”课程思政教学模式教学形式多样新颖,素材丰富有趣,能够实现思想的启迪与价值引领,提升了学习积极性与专业认同感。结论 急危重症护理学“三融五导”课程思政教学模式得到学生认可,促进了专业知识与思政教育的协同发展。

关键词: 教育改革, 急危重症护理学, 课程思政

Abstract: Objective To discuss the design and practical effect of ideological and political teaching scheme in Acute and Critical Care Nursing. Methods The ideological and political teaching practice of “Three Integration and Five Guidance” in the course of Acute and Critical Care Nursing was carried out among the junior nursing students. Using the five approaches of “video guidance, case guidance, exemplary teaching, narrative guidance, and practice facilitation,” the ideological and political education that ran through the entire teaching process of “theory-training-social practice.” was implemented, which was integrated with the concepts of “teaching skills and moral education, offline teaching and online teaching, teaching and imparting knowledge with social service”. The teaching reform effect was assessed by a satisfaction survey. Results Students engaged deeply in the ideological and political teaching of the course. Most students believed that the ideological and political teaching mode of “three integration and five guidance” attracted them by various and novel teaching forms, and rich and interesting materials, which could inspire thoughts and lead values, and enhance learning enthusiasm and professional identity. Conclusion The ideological and political teaching mode of “three integration and five guidance” in Acute and Critical Care Nursing has been recognized by students, which promotes the coordinated development of professional knowledge and ideological and political education.

Key words: educational reform, Acute and Critical Care Nursing, ideological and political theory education


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