
护理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (22): 12-16.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2024.22.012

• 护理管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


尹霄朦a, 郭小庆a, 程聪b, 刘海涛c, 孙秀杰d   

  1. 康复大学青岛医院(青岛市市立医院) a.血液科; b.输血科; c.信息管理科; d.护理部,山东 青岛 266071
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-22 出版日期:2024-11-25 发布日期:2024-12-04
  • 通讯作者: 孙秀杰(1972-),女,山东青岛人,硕士,主任护师。E-mail:xjsun5818@qq.com
  • 作者简介:尹霄朦(1994-),女,山东菏泽人,硕士,主管护师。
  • 基金资助:
    青岛市输血协会2020年科技支持项目(2020-qdsx03); 2024年度山东省医务系统职工科技创新计划项目(第47号)

Construction of whole-process smart transfusion management model based on blood bank forward and its clinical practice

YIN Xiao-menga, GUO Xiao-qinga, CHENG Congb, LIU Hai-taoc, SUN Xiu-jied   

  1. a. Dept. of Hematology; b. Dept. of Blood Transfusion; c. Dept. of Information Management; d. Dept. of Nursing Administration, Qingdao Hospital, University of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences(Qingdao Municipal Hospital), Qingdao 266071, China
  • Received:2024-05-22 Online:2024-11-25 Published:2024-12-04

摘要: 目的 基于血库前移构建全流程智慧输血管理模式,将血库前移在用血科室,实现血液的全流程智慧化管理,探讨该模式的临床实践效果。方法 研发智能血液柜、物联网恒温冷藏箱,构建全流程智慧输血信息管理系统,于2022年1—6月试应用于血液科,通过血液输注前脱离冷链时间、输血护理记录合格率、取单次血袋耗费时长、白班时段输血量占比进行该模式的临床实践评价。结果 血库前移后,血液输注前脱离冷链时间由(25.11±3.20)min缩短为(6.08±2.57)min(t=155.991,P<0.001)、输血护理记录合格率由84.94%上升至97.22%(χ2=503.096,P<0.001)、取单次血袋耗费时长由(19.39±3.27)min缩短为(2.05±1.07)min(t=170.680,P<0.001)、白班时段输血量占比由54.90%上升至85.07%(χ2=168.540,P<0.001),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 基于血库前移的全流程智慧输血管理模式提高了血液管理水平,保障了输血质量,最大程度地保障了患者的输血安全,同时也优化了临床工作流程,提高了护士工作效率。

关键词: RFID技术, 血库前移, 智慧护理, 临床用血安全

Abstract: Objective To construct a whole-process smart transfusion management model based on blood bank forward, to move the blood bank toward the departments of blood use, to realize the whole-process smart management of blood, and to explore the clinical effect of this model. Methods Smart blood cabinet and “the Internet of Things” refrigerated boxes with constant temperature were developed. A whole-process smart transfusion information management system was applied in hematology department. Clinical practice of this model was evaluated through measuring the time the blood withdrawn from the cold chain before transfusion, the qualified rate of transfusion nursing records, the time consumed per single blood bag transfusion and the proportion of transfusions during day shifts. Results After the blood bank was moved forward, the time the blood withdrawn from the cold chain before transfusion was shortened from (25.11±3.20 )min to (6.08±2.57) min (t=155.991, P<0.001); the qualified rate of blood transfusion nursing records increased from 84.94% to 97.22%(χ2=503.096, P<0.001); the time consumed per single blood bag transfusion was shortened from (19.39±3.27) min to (2.05±1.07) min(t=170.680, P<0.001), and the proportion of transfusions during day shifts increased from 54.90% to 85.07%(χ2=168.540, P<0.001). Conclusion The whole-process smart transfusion management model based on blood bank forward has improved blood management, quality of blood transfusion and safety of blood transfusion. It has also optimized clinical workflow and improved nurse work efficiency.

Key words: RFID technology, blood bank forward, smart nursing, safety of clinical blood use


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