A Study of ESG Customer Identification Mechanism in Large Public Service Enterprises——Based on the Comparative Analysis of Two Cases of Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway and Japan Shinkansen |
XU Hui,HE Huiyuan,LI Yang,LIU Yihui |
Nankai University, Tianjin, China |
Abstract From the perspective of cognitive isomorphism, this study uses a comparative analysis of two cases to explore the mechanisms of ESG cognition establishment and enterprise-customer cognition isomorphism in large public service enterprises. It focuses on the ESG customer identity practices of the representative enterprises of the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Co.,Ltd. and Japan Shinkansen representative enterprises (East Japan Railway Company) in different stages of ESG life cycle development. The results show that the formation process of ESG customer identity in large public service enterprises presents a “double cycle” evolution path, in which the “outer cycle” of enterprise-customer ESG cognition drives the establishment of the “inner cycle” of enterprise ESG cognition. Based on the different stages of ESG life cycle, there are two approaches: observation cognition establishment and bridging enterprise-customer cognition isomorphism in ESG growth stage and trial-and-error cognition establishment and loosely coupled enterprise-customer ESG cognition isomorphism in ESG maturity stage, showing a circular evolution trajectory from internal to external diffusion. Based on the heterogeneity of radiation advantages of customer groups, public service enterprises in different ESG life cycle stages show differentiation in the isomorphic path of customer ESG cognition. Enterprises in the growth stage of ESG directly express their ESG cognition concepts by using the radiation influence of regions along the routes, while enterprises in the mature stage use the radiation influence of business expansion to subtly influence the ESG cognition systems of customers. The findings of this study provide theoretical support and practical enlightenment for public service enterprises in different evolution stages to make full use of the advantages of corporate radiation influence to establish ESG customer identity system.
Received: 26 January 2024