
Journal of Nursing ›› 2020, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (9): 27-32.doi: 10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2020.09.027

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Construction of Evidence-based Sensitive Indicators of Psychiatric Nursing Quality

MA Ying1a, YE Jun-rong2a, HUANG Zhao-jun2a, XIA Zhi-chun2b, XU Dan3, DENG Ai-ping4, LIU Ming-he5, LUO Si-li6, ZHANG Jian-long1b   

  1. 1a. Department of Medical Education; 1b. Dept. of Affective Disorders, the Third People's Hospital of Zhongshan, Zhongshan 528451, China;
    2a. Dept. of Nursing Administration; 2b. Dept. of General Psychiatry, Hui'ai Hospital of Guangzhou,Guangzhou 510370, China;
    3. Dept. of Clinical Psychiatry, Kangning Hospital of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518118, China;
    4. Dept. of Hospital Infection Control, the Third People's Hospital of Qingyuan, Qingyuan 511500, China;
    5. The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China;
    6. Dept. of Psychological Medicine, Shunde Wu Zhongpei Hospital of Foshan, Foshan 528333, China
  • Received:2019-12-02 Online:2020-05-10 Published:2020-07-14

Abstract: Objective To construct an scientific and objective sensitive indicators of psychiatric nursing quality and to provide scientific basis for nursing management of psychiatric hospital. Methods After literature review, Delphi method was adopted to determine the sensitivity indicators of psychiatric nursing quality. Results After two-round of expert consultation,sensitive indicators of psychiatric nursing quality were formed and it consisted of 5 structure indicators, 11 process indicators and 9 outcome indicators. The positive coefficients of experts were 89% and 83% respectively; the authoritative coefficients 0.727 and 0.871 respectively; and coordination coefficients 0.255 and 0.321 respectively (P<0.01) showing statistical significance. Conclusion Evidence-based sensitive indicators of psychiatric nursing quality established in the study are is professional, scientific and reliable and provide objective basis for quality control and continuous improvement of psychiatric nursing.

Key words: evidence-based nursing, nursing quality, sensitive indicator, Delphi method

CLC Number: 

  • R473.74
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