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[3] | YIN Xiao-meng, GUO Xiao-qing, CHENG Cong, LIU Hai-tao, SUN Xiu-jie. Construction of whole-process smart transfusion management model based on blood bank forward and its clinical practice [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 12-16. |
[4] | WANG Li, FU A-dan, YANG Meng-ying, XU Miao-miao, HUANG Pan-pan. Establishment and practice of nursing research outpatient clinic [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 17-21. |
[5] | . [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 22-25. |
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[7] | ZHANG Zhuo-ya, GAO Wen-yuan, LI jing, GUAN Chun-yan, WANG Miao, MI Yuan-yuan, HUANG Hai-yan. Development of review indicators for perioperative voice rehabilitation in patients with organic vocal fold dysphonia and its obstacle factors [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 35-40. |
[8] | CHEN Li-yan, RENG Jun, DONG Hui, CHEN Mu-ying, LU Wei-xiang. Quality evaluation and content analysis of guidelines for hypoglycemia management in adults with diabetes [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 41-47. |
[9] | WANG Ai, ZHOU Bing-qian, CAO Hong. Application of Fracture Liaison Service in Patients with Osteoporotic Hip Fracture:a Scoping Review [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 48-53. |
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[11] | LI Xiao-mei, TAO Ming, LI Qian-Qian, LI Lin-lin, LI Chun. Construction of symptom management theory-based self-management intervention scheme for neurogenic bladder patients [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 61-66. |
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[13] | . [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(22): 73-78. |
[14] | . [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(21): 44-48. |
[15] | ZHANG Huang-xia, LI Zhuang-miao, LUO Wen-nan, LI Xiu-xia, HUANG Hui-xiang, LIN Ying-xin. Effect of sizi powder jiaozhen yuan-primary points application on hemiplegic shoulder pain in post-stroke patients [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2024, 31(20): 1-7. |